domingo, agosto 31, 2008

Do you want to be my pinguin?

You have no idea how much I wish I could be with you at this moment.
And I am sure you have no idea what you mean to me.
You are the sun that comes every dawn. You make my life better. (In such a few time)
You made me feel things that I wasn't prepared to feel.
But now that I felt it once, I can not live without feeling it anymore.
You already are part of my life and its not any part. You are one of the most important.
I wasn't expecting for it. I even didn't ask for it before. And then, you just came.
Showing me a whole new world. Making me feel happy only for know that you exist.
Making me smile even when I thought I couldnt. Giving me strength when I am feeling weak and I think I can't do something. Making every day, even the worst, worth it.
My life has more sense now. You make me feel more alive. I can't keep you out of my mind.
Not even for a single second.
You are the hope that keep me trusting. You take my breath away. You make me want to be a better person, only because I think you deserve the best. I wanna be the best for you.
I have so much to say. But I just don't think it would ever be enough. I don't think I could put it in words. I want to thank you and I just don't think I will be able to ever thank you enough.
But thank you anyway. For being who you are. For everything you are doing to me. You make me feel more complete. I just wish I could do the same for you.
I wish I could make you smile right now.
We have so much to live together. Do you wanna be my pinguin?

8 palpites bem-vindos!:

Anônimo disse...

I just don't have words....

Malu Azzoni disse...

"I have so much to say." - yeep, so do I, my friend :D

Meme pra você. responde, se estiver a fim :)

Anônimo disse...

I need a pinguin too. To feel everything this again. And forget some other things ...

see you ;D
x x x

Anônimo disse...

I wanna be your lobster :x okay, I don't, but I was thinking about Phoebe and animals :}

Such a beeeautiful piece of work Diandrex! Congrats!

kisses :*

Anônimo disse...

oi diandra
eu tava lendo uma capricho antiga
onde vc se diz rainha da patolandia e percebi que é exatamente oque ta acontecendo comigo...
gosto de fazer amizade
me add no msn


Jana \o/ disse...

Nossa achei lindo o teu blog, enfim queria saber qual é esse teu modelo do blog, quero também ><, sabe como é né guria novata aqui! Agradeço se puder meu ajudar! :)

Nicole M Marcio disse...

aah eu adoreei seu blog!
tava visitando alguns e parei no seu pela descrição do seu perfil, pois adorei o jeito q escreve.


Anônimo disse...

Depois de ler Do you want to be my penguin? me senti tão inspirada que arranjei um pra mim.
Adorei seu blog e peço ajuda para formatar o meu.
Está de parabéns,
Gabi Ligabo